Getting Started with Adafel
npm i @adafel/adafel-solidity
- Training a linear regression model
To train a model, call the appropriate training function with your data and labels. For example, to train a linear regression model:
// import dependencies
import "@adafel/adafel-solidity/contracts/v0.1/MachineLearningLib.sol";
int64[][] memory data = ...; // Your training data
int64[] memory labels = ...; // Your training labels
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainLinearRegression(data, labels);
- Making Predictions
To make predictions using a trained model, call the appropriate prediction function with your data and the trained model. For example, to make predictions using a trained linear regression model:
int64[][] memory data = ...; // Your input data
int64[] memory predictions = MachineLearningLib.predictLinearRegression(data, model);