The Adafel Solidity Library is used to interact with Adafel machine learning precompiles from solidity.
Supported ML algorithms:
- Linear Regression: Train and predict using linear regression models.
- Logistic Regression: Train and predict using logistic regression models.
- K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN): Train and predict using KNN regression and classification models.
- Decision Tree: Train and predict using decision tree regression and classification models.
- Random Forest: Train and predict using random forest regression and classification models.
...and more coming soon
Hardhat installation
npm i @adafel/adafel-solidity
Import Dependencies
import "@adafel/adafel-solidity/contracts/v0.1/MachineLearningLib.sol";
Linear Regression
Prepare data
The accepted input data format is in the form of matrix where the data is MxN int64
matrix and label is of type int64[]
with corresponding size.
int64[][] memory data = ...; // Your training data
int64[] memory labels = ...; // Your training labels
Train model
To train the model from the data pass in the approprite ML algorithm
// Linear Regression
// Solver: SVD Decomposition
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainLinearRegression(data, labels);
// Logistic Regression
// Solver: Limited-memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (LBFGS) method
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainLogisticRegression(data, labels);
// KNN Regression
// Search algorithm: CoverTree
// K: 3
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainKNNRegression(data, labels);
// KNN Classification
// Search algorithm: CoverTree
// K: 3
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainKNNClassification(data, labels);
// Decision Tree Regression
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainDecisionTreeRegression(data, labels);
// Decision Tree Classification
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainDecisionTreeClassification(data, labels);
// Random Forest Regression
// Max Number of trees: 100
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainRandomForestRegression(data, labels);
// Random Forest Classification
// Max Number of trees: 100
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainRandomForestClassification(data, labels);
Train model CID
Adafel protocol enables the users to train model by passing in the data CID, training column indices, and label index
Input format:
bytes memory cid = ...; // Data CID in bytes
int64[] memory train_indices = ...; // Column indices to be included in training set
uint32 label_index = ...; // Column index for label data
Training functions
// Linear Regression
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainLinearRegressionFromCid(cid, train_indices, label_index);
// Logistic Regression
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainLogisticRegressionFromCid(cid, train_indices, label_index);
// KNN Regression
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainKNNRegressionFromCid(cid, train_indices, label_index);
// KNN Classification
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainKNNClassificationFromCid(cid, train_indices, label_index);
// Decision Tree Regression
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainDecisionTreeRegressionFromCid(cid, train_indices, label_index);
// Decision Tree Classification
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainDecisionTreeClassificationFromCid(cid, train_indices, label_index);
// Random Forest Regression
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainRandomForestRegressionFromCid(cid, train_indices, label_index);
// Random Forest Classification
bytes memory model = MachineLearningLib.trainRandomForestClassificationFromCid(cid, train_indices, label_index);
Making Predictions
To make the predictions, pass in the test data matrix and the serialized model in bytes
// Linear Regression
int64[] memory predictions = MachineLearningLib.predictLinearRegression(data, model);
// Logistic Regression
int64[] memory predictions = MachineLearningLib.predictLogisticRegression(data, model);
// KNN Regression
int64[] memory predictions = MachineLearningLib.predictKNNRegression(data, model);
// KNN Classification
int64[] memory predictions = MachineLearningLib.predictKNNClassification(data, model);
// Decision Tree Regression
int64[] memory predictions = MachineLearningLib.predictDecisionTreeRegression(data, model);
// Decision Tree Classification
int64[] memory predictions = MachineLearningLib.predictDecisionTreeClassification(data, model);
// Random Forest Regression
int64[] memory predictions = MachineLearningLib.predictRandomForestRegression(data, model);
// Random Forest Classification
int64[] memory predictions = MachineLearningLib.predictRandomForestClassification(data, model);